100% Love Movie
Universal acclaim is hard to come. Even the most beloved film or TV show will have a few detractors.
100% Love Movie Online With Subtitles

100% Love Movie Songs
But every now and then, certain titles come along that end up without a single negative reviewon Rotten Tomatoes, at least. As 2018 draws to a close, here are the handful of this year’s lucky TV shows and movies with 100% Rotten Tomatoes scores. Free database for research. Before we dive into this, a disclaimer: not every critic is on Rotten Tomatoes. In fact, there are many arts critics who aren’t accredited to the site at all. It’s important to keep that in mind when viewing these results, because while all the reviewing critics on Rotten Tomatoes may have ended up giving these titles a perfect grade, there’s always a chance someone at there strongly disagrees. And now, let’s take a look at what made the cut (via ).