Excel Insert Row Shortcut. The insert row shortcut in Excel will create a new row below a highlighted cell. To insert a new row, highlight a cell or entire row and press CTRL + Shift + + on your keyword, literally pressing the plus sign after Shift. This will open a small window of options where you can insert a new row or column. Ctrl+Shift+F12 Print File, Print Alt+Shift+F1 New worksheet Insert, Worksheet Alt+Shift+F2 Save File, Save Alt+= AutoSum No direct equivalent Ctrl+` Toggle Value/Formula display Tools, Options, View, Formulas Ctrl+Shift+A Insert argument names into formula No direct equivalent Alt+Down arrow Display AutoComplete list None Alt+’ Format Style. Excel keyboard shortcuts This list gives you a glance of (nearly) all shortcut combinations in Excel. Please take the time to read it. I'm sure you'll find many of them useful. There is also a list of the default shortcuts in ASAP Utilities. Excel shortcuts; Shortcuts for the Visual Basic Editor. Excel shortcuts.