Printable List Of Excel Shortcuts

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Full List Of Excel Shortcuts

Printable List Of Excel Shortcuts

Printable List Of Excel Shortcuts


List Of Excel 2010 Shortcuts

Excel Insert Row Shortcut. The insert row shortcut in Excel will create a new row below a highlighted cell. To insert a new row, highlight a cell or entire row and press CTRL + Shift + + on your keyword, literally pressing the plus sign after Shift. This will open a small window of options where you can insert a new row or column. Ctrl+Shift+F12 Print File, Print Alt+Shift+F1 New worksheet Insert, Worksheet Alt+Shift+F2 Save File, Save Alt+= AutoSum No direct equivalent Ctrl+` Toggle Value/Formula display Tools, Options, View, Formulas Ctrl+Shift+A Insert argument names into formula No direct equivalent Alt+Down arrow Display AutoComplete list None Alt+’ Format Style. Excel keyboard shortcuts This list gives you a glance of (nearly) all shortcut combinations in Excel. Please take the time to read it. I'm sure you'll find many of them useful. There is also a list of the default shortcuts in ASAP Utilities. Excel shortcuts; Shortcuts for the Visual Basic Editor. Excel shortcuts.